
During a workshop at DigiPen I worked on my own Connect 4 game. The game is 2D without AI, but built from the ground up on DirectX. Part of the refactored game code is available sample but should be considered slightly outdated.

This could be considered my first real game, built completely from the ground up based mostly on MSDN samples. In the two weeks we had for the workshop I completed this while others were using an in-house engine with editor to create games.

The refactored code was made in preparation for my first intership with Playlogic and does not contain the entire game, but just a small example engine. The code is dated 2007.

Elements worked on

  • Working 2D engine using Direct3D, DirectInput and DirectSound.
  • Simple 2 player Connect 4 game with full game rules and animation (not in sample code).

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